Moreton Hall, Oswestry, Shropshire
Moreton Hall School, for Boys and Girls from the age of 4 – 11; Senior School for Girls Only from 11 – 18.
Why would you send your daughter to an all girl's school?
Boarding can begin in Moreton First at the age of eight - full time, flexi-time or occasionally – and this pattern continues throughout Moreton Hall, although the majority of girls board on a full time basis as they move up through the school. By Sixth Form over 90% of girls board. Almost all Sixth Formers will go to university where, undoubtedly, they will come to realise that other skills they have acquired here are perhaps just as important as the academic.
During term time our programme runs seven days a week. We are happy for boarders to go home some weekends, but most choose to stay in to take advantage of the many academic, social and cultural opportunities available to them at weekends. Our staff provides 24-hour academic and pastoral support, which was described in the recent inspectors’ report as being ‘of an outstandingly high quality’. The emphasis is on learning independence within a supportive community, giving every student the freedom to develop as a responsible individual.
Moreton Hall is predominantly a boarding school although the school welcomes approximately 80 day girls, many of whom board regularly. Boarding can start in Moreton First in year 3. At the age of 11, year 7, about 60% of girls are full boarders and this rises to 80% at 13 years of age and over 90% in Moreton Sixth. As students mature and develop, so they move up through the various Houses of the school. Day students have study space in the house so they feel as much a part of house life as the boarders; many of them choose to stay one or more nights per week.
Boarding has come a long way in British schools in the past generation. Far from parents and children being separated for weeks on end, today’s boarding aims to offer the best of both worlds to a family. Teenagers can develop in a safe and caring environment with supportive friendship groups, house parents and tutors. Boarders are able to go home at weekends after Saturday classes, although they find that the range of activities, trips and social events going on at weekends proves to be a strong incentive to remain in school. At target weekends all boarders stay at school.
At Moreton Hall, a horizontal rather than vertical system of Boarding Houses has developed to ensure that we are able to offer the very best care and attention to each girl, appropriate to her stage of development.
Food at Moreton Hall School
The ethos of the school food is variety, choice and healthier options using fresh, local produce served in a sociable environment by approachable staff. Individual requirements are always catered for, whether these relate to dietary, allergy, or personal preference. The Food Committee, made up of girls from each year group, meets on a half-termly basis to offer feedback and make further suggestions.
To complement the main menu there is always available:
Breakfast: Boiled eggs, porridge, cereals, homemade natural yoghurt with fruit purée toppings, fresh fruit, fruit juice and toast.
Lunch: Two fresh homemade soups, fresh baked bread, salad bar (five salads, , meats, cheese), jacket potatoes and our baguette bar.
Supper: Salad bar, fresh baked breads, homemade natural yoghurt with fruit purée toppings.

Moreton Hall International Study Centre (co-educational)
Also see our Summer Programmes.
Moreton Hall International Study Centre was established in 2005 and today takes up to 50 overseas students, both girls and boys from the age of 13-18. The ISC runs throughout the year, including the summer holidays and is housed in a newly built, dedicated building with accommodation, classrooms and common rooms called Mitchell House.
Pre-A Level / Intensive Academic Preparation Course
This course is designed to prepare students for entry into UK boarding schools to study A Level. Students study for between one and four terms, depending on their level of English at entry. The course consists of intensive general English lessons and subject specific lessons in the subjects students wish to take for A Level, predominantly Maths, Science and Economics/Business Studies. Students have 30 hours of lessons per week, including 15 hours of English. Not only is the course designed to broaden the students’ subject knowledge and language skills but also prepares them for boarding school life and teaches them the necessary skills to integrate into the British classroom. Students are encouraged to take advantage of an exciting and stimulating sport and activity programme and trips are organised every Sunday.
Pre-GCSE Intensive Academic Preparation Course
Students can enrol on this course for between one and three terms before they embark on their two-year GCSE programme in Year 10 either at Moreton Hall or at another school. Students have intensive English lessons in the International Study Centre with other overseas students and are taught core GCSE subjects in the main school. This has the added benefit of them being ready to start GCSEs in September without the distraction of settling into a new environment and understanding an unfamiliar language.
Enrichment at Moreton Hall School
Moreton Hall is committed to the enrichment and education of every pupil. From the youngest member of Moreton First to the most able Oxbridge candidate in the Upper Sixth – every pupil receives the support and challenge they require to fulfil their potential. An extended teaching day, Saturday morning school and activities every evening maximise the opportunities for learning. This, combined with a curriculum that can be tailored to meet the requirements of each individual pupil, creates a bespoke educational experience.
Academic progress is monitored by tutors, house mistresses and senior staff. Parents are encouraged to contact the school at any time to discuss their child’s progress.
Boarding Fees Per Term at Moreton Hall International Study Centre (2021 -2022)
£ 37,770 per year, including boarding years 9 - 13
£ 12,590 per term (thee terms), including boarding years 9 - 13
Included in this fee are tuition fees for all those subjects in the school curriculum as well as books and stationery. Boarders fees include laundry. Items for which further charge will be made are Public Examination fees, entertainments and expeditions, personal expenses, taxis, etc.
For more information on the Moreton Hall Boarding School, please write an e-mail to StudyUnitedKingdom EU <- click for e-mail