Tettenhall College, Wolverhampton, West Midlands
Tettenhall College is an independent, co-educational day and boarding school situated in the old village of Tettenhall, some three miles to the west of Wolverhampton. The School stands in 33 acres of beautiful woodland and grounds, and offers a first-rate education to boys and girls between the ages of two and eighteen.
The school has small class sizes, first rate facilities in a fabulous location, dedicated teachers and excellent relationships between staff, pupils and parents. It is no surprise that our children leave as well rounded individuals with examination results far better than would be expected based on national averages, with happy memories of school and a thorough preparation for their future.
Academic success is very important and the students and staff at Tettenhall College work very hard to achieve excellent results, however, development of the whole person is also essential. One of the key roles in education is to encourage, nurture and develop whatever particular aptitudes the pupils in our care have.
Extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities are crucial in the education of character. This idea of ‘educating character’ is something that will come from the ethos of a school. A school that has a clear understanding of its own beliefs and values, and yet the ability to debate and discuss other points of view, will provide the opportunity for pupils to gain self-confidence without arrogance. It will enable young people to develop respect for themselves and others.
Boarding at Tettenhall College
Full, weekly, flexi, or temporary – we offer many different kinds of boarding to suit the needs of all our students. We hope that this website will answer many of your questions about boarding at Tettenhall College. Once you have a better picture of what boarding is like, why not come and meet our boarders and try it out for a night? You can either come to one of our Boarding Taster sleepovers which are held every term or call us to arrange a visit just for you.
There are no academic lessons in school at the weekends – however, students conduct private study between 09:30 – 10:30 on Saturdays. Boarders are encouraged to use the sports facilities available in the school during the evenings and at weekends. The school operates a House System and all boarders are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular competitions and activities. Various trips and excursions are organised throughout the year which all boarders are encouraged to attend in order to maximise their range of experiences. This may be as a whole house or in small groups.
More information on Tettenhall College through StudyGroup EU < click for e-mail

Study at Tettenhall College
Our teaching is undertaken by highly qualified professionals, all of whom are specialists in their individual subject areas. Pupils develop and prosper when they are enthused and challenged, and our team of skilful, enthusiastic and dedicated teachers inspire the greatest levels of understanding and thirst for knowledge.
Our pupils excel academically achieving superb results at GCSE level, enabling entry to the Sixth Form for A level study, as well as onward progression to a wide range of degree courses at leading universities across the UK and beyond. Our results demonstrate excellent ‘value added’ success: with most students performing far better than their baseline assessment predictions.
The curriculum is based around the study of academic subjects across four core Faculties; Arts and Humanities, Languages and Literature, Maths, Business and Technology, and Science. The faculty approach ensures that each subject area is not isolated and staff are able to share ideas and good practice from different perspectives, ensuring that students get the best possible learning experiences.
Our pupils work hard and make remarkable progress whether studying Science, Maths, English, Music, History, or any of the 20+ subjects we offer. Ideas are presented in ways that relate to the real world whenever possible and our exceptional facilities, including state-of-the-art Science Laboratories and integrated ICT suites located throughout the campus, provide many opportunities for practical, hands-on learning.
Every subject uses educational visits both in the UK and abroad to enhance the learning that takes place in the classroom; for example, geography fieldwork on windswept beaches in North Wales, residential art trips to Paris and trips to battle fields such as Bosworth or Flanders all help to bring subjects to life and place learning in context. Subject-based societies and clubs, and extra-curricular clubs such as Chess, Debating and Latin, also provide further opportunities for pupils to shine.
Tuition fee (Year 7 to Year 13) 2021-2022
£ 7,998 Boarders (Years 5 - 9) per term (3 terms)
£ 11,500 Boarders (Years 10 - 13) per term (3 terms)
Boarding fees include all accommodation, meals, laundry, medical attention and nursing in the School Infirmary. The Governors require the fees to be paid by the first day of term (unless arrangements have been made to pay monthly through School Fee Plan).
£ 120 registration fee for non-UK students
£ 375 per term EAL fees international students
Tettenhall College does not make any additional charges for the following:
- All textbooks up to year 13 and Wifi
- Any travel associated with school sports matches (excluding optional trips)
- Activities and trips directly & compulsorily related to the curriculum
- All timetabled sports